INGOs to follow government’s development priorities

By Republica
Published: March 29, 2018 01:24 PM

KATHMANDU, March 28: Various stakeholders have stressed on the need of mobilization of national and international non-governmental organizations as per development priorities of new federal set up.

Speaking at a function organize to mark 30th anniversary of Adventist Development of Relief Agency-Nepal (ADRA Nepal) said the all development activities of non-governmental sectors should be guided as per need of local government in the context of country has already adopted three sets of governments—local, provincial and central. They said the central government should not influence development activities of local and provincial government.

Former General Administration Minister Yubaraj Karki said the role of non-governmental organizations has also widened in the context of country heading towards economic prosperity and stability.

Stating that I/NGOs are also part of government Shibesh Chandra Regmi, chairperson of Association of International NGOs, said the non-governmental organizations would work as per government need and guidance.

Jonathan Duffy, head of the ADRA International thanked the Nepal government for providing opportunity to work with disaster-affected communities, poor and vulnerable people for last three decades.

Established in 1987 ADRA Nepal has been working in the areas of humanitarian assistance and development issues. Although the organization focused its activities in health sectors it has now focused on humanitarian assistance, education and livelihood related activities. Apart from Nepal ADRA International is working in 130 countries of the world.