Veteran actor Diana Rigg has said she would have loved to stay on ‘Game of Thrones’ a little longer. The actor played House Tyrell matriarch Olenna Tyrell from season three onwards. The character was killed off in the third episode of the seventh installment, after she willingly drinks a cup of poisoned wine.
Rigg said it was not her decision to leave the show and wished she did not have to bid adieu to Olenna that early. "It wasn't my decision to have Lady Olenna killed off in 'Game of Thrones'. I'd love to have stayed on," the 80-year-old actor told The Guardian.
Rigg then referred to Tywin Lannister, played by Charles Dance, who gets killed by his son Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) in the fourth installment of the series. "Thank God I didn't die on a toilet like Charles Dance's character," she added. ‘GOT’ returns with its eighth and final season on April 14.