A black-tie event was hosted celebrating the two-year anniversary gala of Gymkhana recently. It was a fitness event in which the gym staff and students performed certain traditional dances. The youngest sponsored athlete that performed during this event was 8 years old who did the Wai Khru which is a ritual dance displayed before a fight and other regular fighting events.
It was announced that Gymkhana will be hosting the biggest Muay Thai fighting event in 2020 in Asia. They also have trainers development program in which trainers learn everything about fitness in great detail ranging from diet to anatomy- everything is covered.
During the occasion, 3 prizes were distributed to winners, the first being a business flight to any of 165 destinations sponsored by Qatar Airways, a watch from Swiss Timepieces and a diamond pendant from R.B Diamond Jewellers.
This ceremony was to celebrate the hard work and effort which the staff members put in throughout the year as the curriculum offers very authentic Muay Thai and look forward to the many more years to come.