KATHMANDU, Feb 2: The government task force has suggested extending the vehicle's driving license renewal period to 10 years.
The task force formed by the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport about a year ago suggested increasing the renewal period of driver's license to 10 years. Currently, the vehicle has to be renewed every year, while the driver's license has to be renewed every five years.
A seven-member working group formed under the coordination of former Secretary Sharad Chandra Paudel submitted the report to Physical Infrastructure and Transport Minister Prakash Jwala on Thursday suggesting the government to introduce commercial and non-commercial licenses.
The report recommends lifting the ban on renewing the Transport Committee to revive the syndicate. "The ban on the renewal of public transport-related associations registered under the Organization Registration Act, 2034 BS needs to be lifted for the year 2085/86 BS," the report states. If this suggestion is implemented, syndicates will be established again in the transport sector.
The government announced the end of the syndicate in 2075 BS and decided not to renew the transport committee in accordance with the Organization Registration Act. At that time, transport committees were advised to transition into companies.
The task force was formed by the then Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Narayan Kaji Shrestha.