Golden Rule of life

By Nancy Pokharel
Published: July 16, 2017 09:24 AM

Good life refers to a life abounding in material comforts and luxuries and the life lived according to the moral and religious laws of one’s culture.

A good life depends on the work you do and on what matters to you. Take the time to define your values, priorities, and goals for life.Work to fulfill the things you want to achieve. Build your relationships and be a good family member and friend. Serve your community and mankind, and stay true to yourself.

Treating others how you want to be treated is one of the most recognized phrases known as a golden rule. It may sound simple but it is not easy as it seems.The acts of kindness and selflessness are remarkable. People who have lost everything are still helping and finding strength to move on their way because they know the golden rule of life. Following your dream is also a golden rule of your life. Morality is also important rule as it makes life livable.

Why to fit in when you are born to stand out? Golden rule lead to a healthy and happy life.

Nancy is a student of Grade X at LRI School, Kathmandu.


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