Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness or hollowness inside you. You feel isolated or separated from the world, cut off from those you would like to have contact with. Loneliness is just a passive state. Its intensity increases if one has nothing to do or stays passive. Another reason that a person falls prey to loneliness is not being socially active.
Let’s suppose if a relative or family member dies, it is only natural to feel withdrawn and lonely. But, mental problems may arise if we engage ourselves in constantly thinking about the past and forget about the present.
Nevertheless, people shouldn’t pressurize their minds into doing rigorous work just to get rid of the empty feeling in the absence of a loved one. The decision-making capacity is compromised when you are sad or lonely, so try not to take any hard decisions during this phase.
Two things in life are important -- survival and happiness. Everybody seeks survival and happiness. And there are various things that make us happy and alive, be it materialistic luxury or emotional support. You have to find the right thing or the right person to be involved with for happiness.
So, do what motivates you and be involved with people that make you happy. Avoid the wrong kind of friend circle, and figure out a hobby that demands your creativity. This should help you keep loneness at bay.
Sugam is a Grade IX student at Nabin English School, Bhaktapur.