Are you frustrated because no matter how much you pamper your skin with cleansings and facials the persistent blackheads are back in no time? Unlike unsightly pimples not everyone can see them but you know they are there and that’s enough. Onisha Mulmi, from Galz Beauty Parlor in New Road, is here to solve your problem once and for all.
“Blackheads are tiny lumps that appear in the pores of your skin. They are just a mix of oil and dead skin cells that are sitting in pores. Exposure to air is what causes them to oxidize and turn black,” says Mulmi explaining that having them is not a sign that you are too dirty, so you shouldn’t cause more damage by being rough with your skin and scrubbing really hard.
Mulmi also talks about how our food habits determine how our skin behaves. “The diet of most Nepalis is such that it actually facilities the formation of blackheads on our skin,” says Mulmi adding that hot tea, coffee, and spicy food are some things we consume that wreck havoc in our bodies and manifest on our skin.
Besides our dietary habits, environmental factors play a huge role in the formation of blackheads. “The pollution makes it immensely difficult to have healthy skin and those with oily skin need to pay extra attention to keep it looking fresh and supple. It’s even more prone to blackheads,” says Mulmi. But no matter how stubborn these blackheads are, there are still some easy and effective ways to get rid of them and keep them away.
A word of caution though, as with all home remedies, it’s best not to overdo it and limit the application to twice or thrice a week. “Using it more frequently than that will only dry out your skin and give rise to more problems,” says Mulmi.
First things first, keep your hands off
It might be tempting to squeeze out the blackheads and try to pop a particularly nasty looking one but it will be a good idea to leave them alone. “Squeezing it might worsen the situation because it could lead to permanent scarring as well,” says Mulmi. Keep your hands off the problem areas and try some remedies that will unclog the pores in a more effective manner.
Face steam with crushed neem leaves
Face steaming is a very old but effective remedy for healthy looking skin. “Steaming is a good way to open clogged pores. It also helps better the blood circulation in your face,” says Mulmi.
Additionally, neem has antibacterial properties that will help you get rid of blackheads easily. However, you also need to prepare for a steam well in advance by using cleansing creams or scrubs. “Use a good cleanser or cream and massage your face in light circular motions before going for a steam,” suggests Mulmi. Post the facial steam, Mulmi suggests you use a soft cotton cloth or cotton balls to rub off the loosened blackheads.
A unique recipe
Toothpaste isn’t just for cleaning your teeth anymore. Mulmi suggests you mix a dollop of toothpaste with half a tablespoon of salt and baking powder and apply the mixture evenly over the affected area. You can also choose to rub the mixture in with a soft toothbrush and massage the area in circular motions.
“Those with sensitive skin should be careful about using a brush and just apply it with your fingertips,” says Mulmi. This will not only get rid of blackheads from your skin but will also remove dead cells.
Alternative for store-bought scrubs
“Daily scrubbing can be a good way to get rid of blackheads. But don’t use chemical based scrubs,” says Mulmi explaining that there are many ways in which you can prepare scrubs at home using a few basic ingredients found in your kitchen.
“A very simple and easy way to make a scrub at home is by crushing rice grains,” she says. For this all you need to do is take some rice and grind it. Then mix it with water and prepare a thick solution with it. “Simply rub the mixture over areas affected with blackheads and wash off,” says Mulmi adding that with regular use your skin will be clean and clear.
Natural face packs
“Again don’t use store bought face masks, there are laden with chemicals,” warns Mulmi. Instead use natural ingredients like honey, tomato juice, and aloe vera. “Natural ingredients such as these won’t harm your skins and you will see the benefits in a week or two,” she says. Alternatively, you can also choose to mix these ingredients with gram flour and make a thick paste and apply that to your skin.
If these don’t work consider taking acne medication
Prescription medicines like oral contraceptive pills can reduce oil production and prevent your pores from being blocked. They will get rid of blackheads and prevent new ones from showing up in the future. But these medicines are reserved for people with more than just the occasional blackhead.
They are more for people with moderate to severe acne. So if you find that your blackhead problems don’t go away even after trying all sorts of remedies, visit a dermatologist to find out if you are in need of expert care.