Picture Courtesy: beginnerdrums.uk
A lot of people decide they want to learn to play drums early on in life; many as children or teens, who eventually go into music programs in school and learn a lot from that. For some of us, however, it is not that easy. In spite of that fact, one thing is for sure; there is nothing like the feeling of playing the first beat. There is something to be said for the passion, elation, and extreme high that learning to play the drums gives us. That is what keeps us going.
A lot of people decide they want to learn to play drums early on in life; many as children or teens, who eventually go into music programs in school and learn a lot from that. For some of us, however, it is not that easy. In spite of that fact, one thing is for sure; there is nothing like the feeling of playing the first beat. There is something to be said for the passion, elation, and extreme high that learning to play the drums gives us. That is what keeps us going.
Here are some tips for aspiring/beginner drummers. They are not in the order of importance.
Invest in a practice pad
This is one of the most basic (and crucial) items that you can get, and it is cheap and easy to obtain. Before even starting on a kit, it is important for you to learn the basics of stick technique as well as basic rudiments that will help you navigate around a kit once you are ready.
Start with the rudiments
There are so many basic rudiments that are going to be valuable to you as you continue your journey as a drummer, so it is important for you to start learning them now. In the beginning, yes, it might seem daunting and not as fun as playing along to your favorite song, but you will thank yourself later. If you have a smartphone, there is a great app called The Drum Dictionary. You can download the free version and have access to lots of rudiments you can practice with your practice pad. In addition, it also includes a metronome, explanation of the rudiment, and you can also play the rudiment at different speeds, so you can listen and get comfortable with practicing along with a metronome or some kind of beat. Know how to keep time with and without a metronome!)
Picture Courtesy: pixabay.com
Take drum lessons
While some people might argue that you don’t necessarily have to take drum lessons, lessons will be very beneficial for you. Check out your local music stores and see if there are cheap lessons you can take. Having someone watch you practicing and see your posture and technique as you are learning to play will really help you. In addition, they can help guide you to the style and type of music you think you are interested in, which will help you enjoy playing and improve your overall skills and abilities as a drummer. Also, before investing in a drum kit, taking a few lessons will really help you decide if drumming is right for you or not. Most places will have a kit for you to play in a lesson room, so you won’t have to worry about paying for a kit for your lessons. All you will need to bring is your favorite pair of drumsticks.
Network: Get to know your drummer community!
One of the most valuable things you will learn about drumming is that it is so much more than just learning to play the instrument. If you are really looking to expand your horizons (other than playing at home in your garage or making YouTube videos), you need to network. Community involvement is key when you are a drummer. At first, it is scary going into group jam sessions, but in the end, it will only help you. And don’t feel intimidated; every drummer started where you are now, and the more you listen to others play, practice, and learn from them, the better you will get. More importantly, networking will help you connect with other musicians, and you might even find a band or a group of people that you can play with.
Enjoy every moment
Sometimes, as drummers, we can think that we are just not good enough, or we keep practicing over and over until we get to the point of frustration; however, as a drummer, it is important for you to remain positive and optimistic to keep yourself motivated. Even if you have been practicing those paradiddles all night and you still can’t seem to get it right, don’t be discouraged. Think about all of the good things you have done, all of the progress you have made so far, and let that help you stay positive and goal-oriented.
Keep on rocking
Whatever your goals may be as a person starting out with drumming, remember, drumming is all about finding your style and your passion for music; where you decide to take this journey is entirely up to you. If you have started learning to play the drums and you are absolutely in love with it, never give up. Keep on moving forward in the direction of your dreams and you will meet with a lot of success and happiness as a drummer!