First ever Economic Census finds 922,445 businesses in Nepal

By Republica
Published: September 14, 2018 02:30 AM

Province 3 tops list with 282,056 establishments, Province 6 with 42,817 is last

KATHMANDU, September 14: Altogether 922,445 business establishments including factories and service outlets are operating across the country, according to the preliminary report of the first-ever National Economic Census carried out by the Central Bureau of Statistics. The census took place between mid-April and mid-June .

The census covered both registered and unregistered establishments, thereby giving a picture of both the formal and informal economy . A business establishment refers to an enterprise or part of an enterprise, such as a shop, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a factory, an office, a hotel, a school and so on that is situated at a fixed location, is under a single management, and engages in economic activities such as the selling of goods and services.

According to CBS officials, the census covered businesses relating to manufacturing, electricity, water supply, construction, retail and wholesale trade, repair and maintenance of autos and two-wheelers, transportation, residences , foodstuff, banking, financial services and insurance, real estate, education, health, art and entertainment, and other services .

The Economic Census, however, excluded businesses related to agriculture, forestry and fishing as these are covered in a separate Agriculture Census .

Province 3 topped the list in the number of businesses, with 282,056 establishments, and Province 6 had the lowest number (42,817).

Among districts, Kathmandu has the highest number of businesses (123,994) and Manang the lowest (487).

Planners expect the census to give a real picture of both the formal and informal economy of the country and thereby help in framing and executing plans and policies.

“This census is a step forward in Nepal's development as the statistical information derived from it will facilitate economic forecasting,” said Ram Kumar Phuyal, a member of the National Planning Commission.

According to the preliminary report, a total of 3.41 million people are engaged in the business establishments, including 2.04 million males. Proprietors, unpaid family members, working directors/managers (but not unpaid directors),and regular and temporary employees are all counted as people engaged in business establishments.

The CBS plans to publish the final report of the census by the third quarter of the current fiscal year 2018/19. It will include other particulars such as revenue, expenses, ownership structure, capital and access to credit.

Nearly 4,500 enumerators were mobilized throughout the country for the census. The CBS also accepted responses through internet, thus making this the first 'e-census' in the country.