Feminism is about treating everyone equally

Photo Courtesy: Twitter
By Neharika Kafle
Published: March 07, 2017 11:30 PM

The entire discourse constructed by the society on feminism makes it sound like one is begging for mercy. As a girl, I totally reject the concept of feminism created by the society. I ask myself: why are most people trying to defend the rights of women by offering them with special treatments? If women are equal in each and every aspect and capable of working with the male hand in hand, then why should the word ‘feminism’ strikes in each and every debate?

The funniest concept of ‘ladies first’ which each and every individual have in their mind is just an irony or a satire to the very idea of feminism. These so-called mannerisms or decent norms that we seem to be promoting are in fact feeding into old stereotypes: that women need protection and it is the men who should take charge. What everybody seems to be failing to see here is that, with these skewed norms, we continue to subjugate women.  

If a state practices those norms, we don’t have any right to blame anyone (external factors) for creating such differences. One can ask question to oneself (mainly girls): are they happy getting seat in the public vehicles or reservation system in jobs? Obviously, the answer would be big ‘YES.’ So we can make assumption that the backwardness of women is due to their misconception and ignorance about their strength, their rights and responsibilities. 

Travelling in public vehicle is still hard in Nepal. If there is a physically ill man standing and a fit and fine lady is sitting in the seat, she doesn’t give it a second thought that it’s her responsibility to help that guy by offering the seat. She is blindfolded by special treatment provided by the government to women. She is brainwashed in such as way that she cannot think of herself as equal. 

Special treatment are just making human race inferior. One must try to gain competitive advantage thinking out of box not on the basis of gifts and grants provided by state. Feminism is not about giving special treatment to someone because of their gender; it’s about bringing women alongside men. It’s about giving women the equal opportunities as men. Feminism is about giving everybody an equal chance to grow, to live and be happy and not about special preferences.

Neharika is an MBA student at SOMTU.