KATHMANDU, March 22: Everyday 882 people get head injuries due to various reasons in Nepal while 34 people get head injuries every hour, according to the data of 2019.
On the occasion of World Head Injury Public Awareness Day, the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital organized a program on Sunday and pointed out that it is difficult to fully recover from a head injury. "Even after months of treatment, the patient may not fully recover from the head injury," said Dr Subhash Acharya, head of the ICU and Critical Care Unit at the hospital. According to statistics, 10 percent of the injured people die, 20 percent are treated in the ICU and between 40 and 50 percent of serious injuries are fatal.
About 73 percent of head injuries occur between the ages of 20 and 40 and of the seriously injured, 3 percent die in the emergency room, according to Head of Teaching Hospital Emergency Room, Dr Ramesh Maharjan. The head of the neurology department of the hospital, Dr Mohan Raj Sharma said that head injuries are seen in Nepal due to geographical conditions, motorcycle and bus accidents, falling from trees and hillsides, and other reasons.
Although the number of road accidents has decreased as compared to the past as the traffic police started taking action with the policy of road safety in Nepal, the number of head injuries is still significant. According to Dr Mohan Raj Sharma, as people who ride motorcycles don’t wear helmets, head injuries have increased in accidents.