Container gardens

By The Week Bureau
Published: February 16, 2018 09:38 AM

Planting in pots can be very useful for urban dwellers who have limited or no space for gardening. The best part about container plants is that you can grow enough fruits and vegetables for your entire family in a small space. Pot plants are also an extremely healthy option as opposed to pesticide-contaminated vegetables and fruits found in our marks. 

According to Bikesh Prajapati, owner of Maya Nursery in Kalopul, Kathmandu, the only trick to growing healthy plants in a pot is giving each one of them special care and attention. You might have to adjust them by moving them around and controlling the nutrients supply. Also every plant may have different requirements. 

But the entire process of growing your own fruits and vegetables is not as tedious as it may sound. In fact, it is an extremely simple process. All you need is patience and a little dedication. Here Prajapati guides us through the correct ways to grow fruits and vegetables in small containers.

These are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in a container. But they do have some specific requirements. For chilies to grow well, you need to find a warm spot inside or outside your house. Chili plants require at least six hours of sunlight each day.
Chilies also need enough warmth to germinate. So you need to ensure that after sowing chili seeds, the container is kept in a warm area. The best season to sow these plants is end of March. However, if your space has ample sunlight, you may even sow them in January. 
Try to water the plant as little as possible until the seed germinates.
Also, chili plants do not need to be watered every day. The best way to go about it is to weigh your pot before watering it. Only water your plant again once the pot is completely dry. If your chilies grow big, it is better to move them into bigger pots. So, depending on the space available, you can move them from a half liter container into one liter one then to two liters container and so on. High level of potassium is good for chilies. You can obtain potassium from potash fertilizers or hardwood ashes. 

Lemon tree 
If you wish to grow lemon tree in a container, you must remember that it will not grow as big as big lemon trees. Therefore, the best idea is to get a dwarf variety of lemon tree from a nursery nearby.
Lemon trees need good drainage so you need to make sure that the pot you use has good drainage holes. Unlike chili plants, lemon trees need constant and ample watering. They also need high level of humidity so you can either place the pot over a pebble tray or mist it every day. Lemon trees are also very vulnerable to cold and drought so it is important to water them every day and place them in a spot that gets seven to eight hours of sunlight each day. They require fertilizers that are high in nitrogen. 

The right time to plant strawberries is during late spring or early summer. Strawberry plants grow very quickly and they bear delicious fruits within two months. These plants, however, tend to benefit from fertilizers rich in phosphorous. Also, these plants require six to eight hours of sunlight each day. 
Right amount of watering is also essential for healthy strawberries. Make sure you water the pot as soon as the soil in it looks dry. Also, try to keep moisture off the leaves while watering your plant. This will prevent unnecessary fungal infections. 
Strawberry plants also need to be protected during winter. So it is a good idea to move your plant into a green house if you wish to preserve it for the coming summer months. 
Lettuce plants
Lettuce grows perfectly in cool temperatures. Planting lettuce in a container is a good idea because it will help you control weeds and pests more easily. The perfect pot for lettuce to grow is six to twelve inches long. This gives enough space for the roots of lettuce plant to spread. 
A unique characteristic about lettuce is that they require consistent supply of water but they cannot tolerate wet roots. So a clay pot may be perfect to grow this plant as that will help evaporate excess water thus preventing the roots from becoming soggy. The containers should also have adequate drainage holes. While harvesting this plant, you must ensure that you cut the leaves when it is tender as mature leaves tend to become bitter. 

Aloe Vera
This is a very useful herb for skin, hair, and even our digestive system. It is a widely used medicinal plant and can be easily grown at our homes with little effort. Like cacti, Aloe Vera plant best survives in dry conditions. 
Before planting Aloe Vera, you must ensure that the pot has at least a few drainage holes. Also, these plants need adequate amount of sunlight. If you intend to keep this plant indoor, make sure you place them on south or west facing windows.
These plants can die if you water them too often. Therefore, let the soil become completely dry before you water it again. These plants also tend to produce offsets. You can remove them completely to plant an entirely new Aloe Vera plant somewhere else. These plants are very easy to grow and can also help your family with a lot of skin related problems.