RASUWA, Aug 2: The production of cheese has been decreasing at the Cheese production center in Gosainkunda rural municipality-4 of the district.
Before the devastating earthquake of 2015, there used to be production of 5000 Kg cheese annually while later the production diminished to 2700 Kg.
Farmers have halt the supply of milk to the Cheese production center as they lack efficient tools and lack of manpower after massive earthquake of 2015. They further added that the price level of Yak milk is also not increasing for which the farmers are not ready to supply the required quantity to the center.
Before the earthquake, there were 43 Yak farmers in Langtang. More than 600 Yak died as the place was destructed due to the devastating earthquake. Yak owners were not given any relief material for their loss for which they stopped their Yak business.
“Farmers are benefitted from selling milk tea during tourist visiting hours. A cup of milk tea costs more than Rs.100. While, they receive only Rs.76 per liter from the center.Also, they have stopped supplying milk to the cheese production center as the milk is not getting good price”, said Gyalbo Lama, Center chief.
The cheese produced at the center is enough for the locals and there is no problem for its market, center chief Lama further added. 90% of tourists visiting Langtang National Park visit Langtang.
“We walk for 3 hours daily to collect 400 liters milk”, said Lama. He further added that the milk is collected at three different places.
The most distant place is Jhyabu Kharka for collection of milk, center source informed. There is a river in between for which collectors are forced to travel via tuin(wire bridge).
The center had aimed to produce 2700 Kg cheese while the production till date is 1300 Kg. The cheese production center located at Kyanjin was established in 2009 BS.
The market price of cheese is 1700/Kg. This center is the first cheese production center of Nepal. At present, there are two permanent staffs and three temporary staffs at the production center.
Dhunche and Chandanbari of Gosainkunda rural municipality and Gatlang of Langtang, Aamachodingmo rural municipality are core areas for the production of cheese. Even though the center is capable of producing 36000 Kg, the production is only 34000 Kg informed the center source.