Bon Voyage! O Beloved!!!

pHOTO: leblogdelamechante.jpg
Published: April 14, 2018 11:26 AM

O beloved!
Let the journey you are embarking on,
be a journey of realization
that you are loved.
Let your journey be received,
by the gentle country breeze,
ready to cool your way.
May the sparkling water springs
moisten your lips and soothe your throat.
May the majestic northern snow caps
fill your eyes and heart with awe.
O beloved!
Fear not! For what is there to fear,
when the universe is at your disposal.
The bounties of nature should remind you
that you are loved, dearly loved.
Let the rays of morning sun,
as they light up the majestic mountains,
illumine the deep recesses of your heart,
and guide each day with wonder and amazement.
May each challenge coming your way,
take you deeper and deeper into your Self.
May you make the best of who you are.
May the budding life in you
blossom into the fragrant flower,
that you are.

Bon Voyage! O Beloved!!!