Bollywood actor Amir Khan has responded to the social media controversy that is trending on Twitter with the callings; #Boycottlalsinghchaddha,
According to a report of India Today, Amir Khan said, “That Boycott Bollywood... Boycott Aamir Khan... Boycott Laal Singh Chaddha... I feel sad also because a lot of people who are saying this in their hearts believe I am someone who doesn't like India... In their hearts they believe that... And that's quite untrue.”
Actor Khan in his response to the tweets further added, “I really love the country... That's how I am. It is rather unfortunate if some people feel that way. I want to assure everyone that it's not the case so please don't boycott my films, please watch my films."
The call to boycott Khan’s movies is seemingly triggered by a statement he had made back in 2015 during the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards that he was alarmed by a number of incidents of growing "intolerance" in India and that his then wife Kiran Rao had suggested they should probably leave the country. He said, “When I chat with Kiran at home, she says ‘should we move out of India?' That's a disastrous and big statement for Kiran to make. She fears for her child (son Azad). She fears about what the atmosphere around us will be. She feels scared to open the newspapers every day."