Gmail Checker
Gmail Checker is the official Gmail extension for Chrome. It appears as a Gmail icon just to the left of the address bar of the browser and it lets you know when you have mail and how many mails you have. The best part is you do not have to open the Gmail window every couple of minutes to check inbox so it saves a huge amount of time.
Askew is a super simple and incredibly function on Google. Search askew, it will set all your search results to be a little crooked.
Flip a Coin
Once you’ve determined who has heads and who has tails, all you have to do is type flip a coin into the search bar and Google does the rest.
Take a Mental Break
If you’re looking for a mental break and want to revisit the days of Atari and classic arcade games. Then take advantage of Google’s hidden game, type Atari Breakout into the search bar.