Amateur Thief

By Amrit Poudel
Published: February 24, 2021 03:26 PM

With every dusk, when she lays her bag 
And throws herself to the corner 
I wish, I could soothe her heart 
With dulcet tone as hers
And make her fall asleep 

And escape before I get caught 
Stealing all her weary thoughts 
For a thief is a thief after all 
Whether it be of her pain or her love 

Wouldn't it be wonderful? 
If the wishes were to come true 
Imagine peeping through the window 
And stealing all her pain away 
Whenever she goes astray 

No such wonders exist 
Yet she defies all such list 
Mellifluous sound of hers 
Steals the pain away 
and you wonder, how your 
words don't even rhyme anywhere
Yet you hope for to steal her pain anyway