141 drinking water projects worth Rs 220 million being constructed in Baitadi

By Bira Gadal
Published: March 13, 2021 12:32 PM

BAITADI, March 13: The construction of 141 drinking water schemes has started at the local level in Baitadi district with the aim of supplying clean drinking water to the people. The projects are being built with an estimated investment of over Rs 220 million in the current fiscal year 2020/21.

These drinking water projects have been started in the district this fiscal year after the federal government and the Sudur Pashchim provincial government allocated budget for them.

In Dashrathchand Municipality, 25 drinking water schemes including four schemes of the federal government and 21 schemes of the Sudur Pashchim provincial government are under-construction. Three drinking water schemes of the federal government and seven schemes of the Sudur Pashchim provincial government are under-construction in Melauli Municipality. There are 10 schemes of the federal and nine schemes of the provincial government under-construction in Patan Municipality.

According to the Drinking Water and Sanitation Division Office, one scheme of the federal government and six schemes of the provincial government are being constructed in Purchaudi Municipality.

Similarly, five schemes of the federal government and eight schemes of the provincial government are being built in Surnaya Rural Municipality. In Sigas Rural Municipality, 21 drinking water schemes - seven by the federal government and 14 by the provincial government - are being constructed.

One scheme of the federal government and three schemes of the provincial government are under-construction in Shivanath Rural Municipality. Bahadur Singh Bogati, chief of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Division Office, Baitadi, informed Republica that five drinking water schemes are being constructed in Pancheshwar Rural Municipality.

In Dogadakedar Rural Municipality, a total of 21 drinking water schemes - seven by the federal government and 14 by the provincial government - are being constructed. Likewise, eight schemes of the federal government and eight schemes of the provincial government are under-construction in Dilasaini Rural Municipality.