Dr Archana Pokharel
(The author is a psycho-spiritual counselor and mental health advocate)
Love: Mystery and Miracle
Love: Mystery and Miracle

When P Neupane, a well-educated professional woman, was writhing in severe pain at Kirtipur Hospital from self-inflicted burns after a breakup with her fiancé, or when N. Chaudhary had to endure physical and emotional trauma from her husband, whom she had married with high hopes and dreams, little d...
Feb 20, 2023

Childhood in a Digital World
Childhood in a Digital World
Almost all research studies showed digital use impacts the wellbeing of children mainly depending on duration, content and context. More than two-three hours per day digital use; anti-social, immoral, violent or vulgar content and using social networking sites to boost self-image can eventually back...
Dec 13, 2022
Childhood Trauma and its Effects
Childhood Trauma and its Effects

We should be very patient with the healing process as each child is unique and has a different pace of healing and recovery from trauma.
Aug 30, 2022

Addressing Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Addressing Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

It is important for us to understand that as we all are unique individuals, our coping mechanisms during stress are also unique. We all are affected to various degrees in challenging situations like the COVID-19 pandemic. So, we need to tailor the strategies to cope up with the psychological impacts...
Jun 15, 2021