QU Dongyu
The author is the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Transforming agrifood systems through innovation and digital technologies
Transforming agrifood systems through innovation and digital...

Crop and livestock farmers, fishers, pastoralists, other producers and retailers – large and small – are successfully turning to innovative ideas and digital technologies.
Mar 08, 2022

We must not leave mountains and mountain people behind
We must not leave mountains and mountain people behind

What do we need to do to reverse the shocking statistics on mountain people and promote the restoration of mountain environments?
Dec 11, 2020

At 75, FAO is as relevant as ever
At 75, FAO is as relevant as ever

The UN’s food agency was born in the wake of catastrophe. Three-quarters of a century later, its mission has been made more relevant to the world at large by another global scourge.
Oct 15, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Fighting two pandemics hand in hand in Asia and the Pacific
Fighting two pandemics hand in hand in Asia and the Pacific

Ending hunger and poverty amid COVID-19 impacts will require leveraging agricultural technology, innovation and partnerships.
Aug 28, 2020