Kuvera Chalise and Ashim Neupane
kuvera chalise and ashim neupane
Investors intend to pour $ 13.52 b into Nepal
Investors intend to pour $ 13.52 b into Nepal

KATHMANDU, March 4: Investors both foreign and domestic have shown keen interest in investing in Nepal. They signed letters of intent (LoI) for investing a total of $13.52 billion, at the concluding ceremony of the Nepal Investment Summit 2017 on Friday.
Mar 04, 2017

Nepal Investment Summit 2017 - Who said what?
Nepal Investment Summit 2017 - Who said what?

KATHMANDU, March 3: The two-day Nepal Investment Summit 2017 concluded on Friday. The second and final day witnessed various sessions on Nepal's niche investment avenues. The panelists in the successive sessions have pledged the investors -- both foreign and domestic -- to invest in Nepal as the inv...
Mar 03, 2017