Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng
andrew shend and xiao geng
China Must Create Shared Global Wealth
China Must Create Shared Global Wealth

HONG KONG – The OECD is projecting an uneven K-shaped economic recovery from the pandemic in 2021. Richer countries with more extensive vaccine rollouts that can afford to reopen and reflate their economies will do so. Poorer economies will struggle to stay healthy and avoid debt crises. But the man...
Mar 31, 2021

How to cooperate with China
How to cooperate with China

When the West is ready to cooperate—without attempting to force China to cross red lines such as regime change—devising a new global social contract will be essential.
Feb 26, 2021

A new tone in US-China relations?
A new tone in US-China relations?

With Joe Biden as America’s president, the world hopes that the United States will shift away from Trump’s disruptive confrontational approach toward China relations and embark on a path of pragmatic engagement.
Jan 28, 2021

The Sino-American race to zero
The Sino-American race to zero

Climate action has become yet another front in the competition between the world’s two largest economies. Who will cross the net-zero-emissions finish line first?
Jan 05, 2021

Making sense of China’s new plan
Making sense of China’s new plan

If the rest of the world wants to cooperate on developing green products and services, China will oblige. If it doesn’t, China will rely on its own formidable strengths to sustain its growth and development.
Sep 30, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Minimizing the social cost of COVID-19
Minimizing the social cost of COVID-19

HONG KONG – In 1960, the Nobel laureate economist Ronald H. Coase introduced the “problem of social cost”: human activities often have negative externalities, so individual rights cannot be absolute. Institutions must intervene. There is no better example of this dynamic than the COVID-19 crisis.
Aug 31, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Economic costs of national security
Economic costs of national security

HONG KONG – By disrupting the world’s interconnected economic, social, and geopolitical spheres, the COVID-19 crisis has exposed just how fragile and inequitable the institutions that govern them really are. It has also highlighted how difficult it is to address systemic fragility and inequity amid...
Aug 03, 2020

The American muddle
The American muddle

HONG KONG – Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton’s new book The Room Where It Happened bills itself as “the most comprehensive and substantial account” of President Donald Trump’s administration. And, indeed, it has quickly become a critical resource for those seeking to understand Trump....
Jun 28, 2020

Cooperate with China or suffer
Cooperate with China or suffer

HONG KONG – As governments worldwide confront the terrible choice between saving lives from COVID-19 and protecting people’s livelihoods, economic indicators highlight the intensity of the dilemma. Unemployment has skyrocketed, trade has plunged, and the global economy is facing its worst downturn s...
May 29, 2020

What COVID-19 reveals about the US and China
What COVID-19 reveals about the US and China

HONG KONG – There is nothing like a pandemic to expose systemic differences. For China and the United States, which were locked in an ideologically driven competition even before the COVID-19 crisis, those differences are stark. But the two countries have at least one thing in common: when this is a...
Apr 27, 2020