Trailokya Raj Aryal
trailokya raj aryal
Being Xi
Being Xi

The western press and those influenced by it have a hard time accepting that good leaders do not need to be chosen through a popular vote.
Oct 29, 2017

Just asking
Just asking

What is it that we, the sovereign and proud people of Nepal want, and how do we go about achieving it?
Oct 16, 2017

Foreign playground
Foreign playground

We would do well to realize and accept that there is a consensus among major powers active here to keep Nepal weak and unstable
Sep 26, 2017

On scholarship diplomacy
On scholarship diplomacy
One simple and cost-effective way to promote our soft power is to establish a competitive Nepal Scholarship Fund under the joint jurisdiction of our foreign and education ministries.
Aug 30, 2017
Dangerous Doklam
Dangerous Doklam
All of you reading this already know what is happening in Doklam. So it makes no sense to copy-paste from other news sites on the origin of the conflict. Therefore, this piece will specifically focus on what Nepal should do to save ourselves if the situation turns ugly. And all signs suggest that it...
Aug 13, 2017
Over to you, Mr Deuba
Over to you, Mr Deuba

Let’s pray Deuba’s stint this time will be different to his previous stints and he will now “act” brilliantly, to make us forget recent Oscar winners
Jun 07, 2017

The Bahun narrative
The Bahun narrative

Caste hierarchy is seen as a Bahun-Chhetri phenomenon, but all societies have caste- and race-based discrimination
May 24, 2017

Fact and fiction
Fact and fiction

OBOR membership is a desperate attempt of Nepali government to establish its nationalist credentials by appearing close to China
May 15, 2017

We, the ugly people
We, the ugly people

Don’t think our smile signifies innocence and happiness. It is only a way to mask our hideous and scheming mind
Apr 29, 2017

Secure together
Secure together

If India is willing to sell to Nepal the weapons it builds with foreign technology, we have no reason to look elsewhere.
Apr 11, 2017