Simone Galimberti
simone galimberti
Simone Galimberti is the Co-Founder of ENGAGE, an NGO partnering with youths to promote social inclusion in Nepal.
Making Nepal more inclusive for differently abled people
Making Nepal more inclusive for differently abled people

In a recent meeting, I once again realized the constraints that young persons living with physical disabilities face in daily life. The common perception is that the vast majority of these youths struggle for survival. Lacking jobs and quality education not only due to inaccessible schools but also...
Aug 28, 2023

TEDx and Real Leadership
TEDx and Real Leadership

Two recent stories about two common citizens can help us rethink about the meaning of real leadership.
Jun 13, 2022

Need for Personal Leadership in Education Sector
Need for Personal Leadership in Education Sector

We need a strong public sector able to provide quality education, a good environment for personal growth and the positive values that shape a person’s character for the entire life. It is a huge responsibility, if you think about it.
Mar 10, 2022

Dreaming of a Government of Technocrats
Dreaming of a Government of Technocrats

Even if such a move won’t go far, it is a gamble worth taking because it would give a strong message to the entire nation: at times of crisis, when the leadership of political parties falls short, then other options can be made available.
Sep 12, 2021

BLOG, Blog
Distinguishing bad intent from bad management and good intent from human fallacy
Distinguishing bad intent from bad management and good inten...

I am not only referring to the players’ and their coaches’ sacrosanct right to demand better working and training conditions but I am also thinking that the lack of provisions or even mismanagement or alleged corruption should not preclude them from training even informally both at individual and gr...
Aug 08, 2021

Nepal must be ready for Kunming and Glasgow
Nepal must be ready for Kunming and Glasgow

Two upcoming key global summits should be adequately prepared with a strong inclusive public engagement at home and smart diplomacy around the world.
Jul 08, 2021

Making The Net 2030 Truly Real
Making The Net 2030 Truly Real

Before the second wave of COVID-19, the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) had unveiled a bold vision document. Now we need a new sense of purpose and a new type of leadership to make it a reality.
Jun 04, 2021

Ideas with the ‘underdogs’
Ideas with the ‘underdogs’

Some practical ideas on how to change the conversation on social inclusion and empowerment in the country
Apr 14, 2021

Investing in youth
Investing in youth

Big employment generating programs must be carefully evaluated while small innovative pilots should be supported.
Mar 28, 2021

Let women lead
Let women lead

Men must be part of the equation but women must be prepared and assert themselves.
Mar 16, 2021