Jivesh Jha
Stories from Terai courts
Stories from Terai courts

Though we have the most comprehensive constitution, we lack comprehensive legislation to deal with the bizarre loan deeds. Money lending has emerged as a profitable business in Terai. There is no law on record that obliges the moneylenders to justify their source of income.
Apr 01, 2021

OPINION, Latest Updates
Five years after the constitution, where do we stand?
Five years after the constitution, where do we stand?

The federal democratic republican constitution of Nepal is turning five this Asoj 3 (September 19). The document, in principle, addresses the needs and aspirations of the citizens who are united together for the purpose of resisting external intervention, upholding rule of law and preservation of so...
Sep 15, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Follow the laws
Follow the laws

It's an undeniable fact that no country, however powerful or developed, has been able to develop total protection mechanism against disasters. The natural calamities like earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, epidemic, flood, or snowfall have been claiming the lives across the world. Still, a...
Aug 11, 2020

Madhesis are angry, worried and misinformed about the citizenship law
Madhesis are angry, worried and misinformed about the citize...

Madheshis are angry and worried that the state might deny citizenship to their spouses because a parliamentary committee has endorsed the Citizenship Amendment Bill. They are angry also because they have been misinformed by politicians and NGO activists about what is there in the Bill. Lies, prop...
Jun 30, 2020

When it comes to territorial integrity, Madheshis have no ifs and buts
When it comes to territorial integrity, Madheshis have no if...

Though Madheshi leaders are putting various conditions to vote for getting the new map, that includes Nepali territories of Limpiyadhura-Lipulekh-Kalapani (LLK) region of Nepal in it, endorsed through the parliament, here in Tarai Madhesh there is a huge resurgence of public support in favour of the...
Jun 02, 2020

Open letter to Sarita Giri
Open letter to Sarita Giri

Dear Sarita Giri, recently you said that Nepal should have consulted India before publishing the new map showing Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani of Nepal. You seem to think Nepal’s sovereignty—internally (at domestic level) and externally (at international stages)—is subject to approval or disapp...
May 25, 2020

Justice during Covid-19
Justice during Covid-19

As a part of preventive measure taken in response to COVID-19 outbreak, judicatures across the globe have announced the closure of non-urgent proceedings. Superior courts issued scores of orders, some of which were intended to remind the state of its welfare functions, while the others were related...
May 17, 2020

The will to fight
The will to fight

“A law is the resolution of the whole people for the whole people, touching a matter that concerns all,” says Rousseau. If we endeavor to link this theory with the current approach of the state, we will come to learn how far the people have succeeded to advance general will in the battle against COV...
Apr 13, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Dissecting citizenship debate
Dissecting citizenship debate

Is it wrong for a sovereign state to bar the foreign woman from holding vital government offices? Pakistan and Afghanistan bars a non-Muslim from holding the Office of President
Dec 26, 2019

Free education by law
Free education by law

Parliament of Nepal enacted Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act in 2018 to implement Article 31 of the constitution. With this, the country has upheld right to education as an enforceable sacrosanct human right. Unlike erstwhile constitutions, the 2015 charter casts an obligation on the state...
Nov 25, 2019