Willing to fly to space for free? NASO brings you opportunity (with video)

By No Author
Published: July 06, 2017 12:19 PM

KATHMANDU, July 6: Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) in association with Terraztra Space Exploration has come up with a new project titled Project Terranaut, a global outreach initiative providing an opportunity to 14 people to train like a Yuri Gagarin in Russia.

Issuing a press release, NASO has said that one of the best performers will get an opportunity to go to Edge of the Space for free.

“We signed a MoU with Terraztra Space Exploration to select top three scorers from Nepal to be trained like a cosmonaut in Russia during FIFA World Cup 2018,” NASO said in a press release issued recently.

Watch video: 

The pre-registration is now available at www.terraztra.space and will remain open till July 31, 2017. 

The training program will last for 10-25 days.

How to participate in the program?

•     Pre-register at www.terraztra.space by July 31, 2017

•     Download Mobile App that will be released on October 4, 2017 and participate in the different contests available!

•     Top three scorers will be selected to participate in the astronaut training in Russia during FIFA World Cup 2018

Who are eligible?

•     Anyone who are between 18-65 years of age

•     Must be a Nepali citizen

One among the 14 selected participants will be chosen to fly to the 'Edge of Space'.