Why is International Children's Day celebrated?

Photo Courtesy: Publica. MD
By Agencies
Published: November 20, 2018 12:18 PM

Nov 20: International Children's Day encourages countries to dedicate a day to promote mutual exchange and understanding among children. Additionally, this day also marks the implementation of projects that can promote the overall welfare of children around the world. As civilized adults, we must have a clear understanding of the need to care about children. Whether it's about preserving their health, education or upbringing, every possible measure should be taken to allow kids to lead a healthy and happy life. 

Not many know that the main stimulator of the International Children's Day was the Second World War that killed hundreds and thousands of children along with their parents. There's a growing need to turn our face to the children and offer them a quick and easy access to amenities that they'll remember for a lifetime.

Every child is psychologically tuned in a way that he/she extensively depends on the external assessments. If you praise a child, he/she will feel good. Quite similar to adults, even children find it too tedious to assess their success objectively. Hence, it is the responsibility of the parents to maintain a trustworthy relation with kids. 

International Children's Day tries to serve the objective of making the adults understand the fact that medals and success are not as important as the happiness of a child. With the celebration of International Children's Day 2018, parents, teachers and the entire society are being sensitized to focus on the intellectual development of children.

History of International Children's Day

Someone had rightly said, "Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow." The same idea compels us to think that it is our responsibility to protect children and ensure that they lead a strong and confident life. Thanks to the existence of advocacy groups and global NGOs, the young ones in vulnerable nations are able to live a quality life. The International Children's Day is dedicated to children worldwide.

International Children's Day Theme 2018

International Children's Day is an opportunity to do something special for the young ones. Every edition of the International Children's Day comes with a particular theme with a common thought – 'Children of today, our keepers tomorrow.' For those not in the know, the International Children's Day is celebrated as International Day for Protection of Children in many countries on June 1. Several non-profit organizations put in their best efforts towards making this day a success. It is all about treasuring children; praising and encouraging them to lead a fruitful life that is full of new experiences and adventure.