When I was eleven

By Priyata Bhatta
Published: May 31, 2017 03:30 AM

When I was 11, 
I was forced to be old. 
My body started changing; 
I was experiencing a whole new world. 

Yes, I got my period, 
And I thought it was supposed to feel great.
But the society had different expectations, 
which I eventually started to hate. 

I went to my grandma’s place one day, 
which made my confidence drastically fall.
As I told her I was on my period that day,
She didn’t let me enter the kitchen at all. 

I felt impure, I felt unwanted, 
as I sat alone outside,
Nobody was allowed to touch me apparently, 
I was crying inside. 

I wasn’t allowed to go to temples, 
I just couldn’t figure out why?
Rapists, terrorists, even murderers are welcomed there, 
but a girl on her period is denied? 

Everything was just so confusing, 
especially when Dashain and Tihar arrived; 
I just sat there silently on my own,
Though I said I was okay, I lied. 

Menstruation is a natural process.
For sure, it’s not a crime; 
let’s change this mentality of ours, 
Now, is definitely the right time. 

Priyata is a high school student at 
NIST International School.