What do people hate the most?

Photo Courtesy: Attitude reconstruction
By Sambida Wagle
Published: May 13, 2019 11:00 AM

Everybody likes good attitude and manners.  Many learn about, write and speak of good etiquettes and manners. But don't you think it's so common? Let's bring some changes here. This article is about the types of attitudes we hate the most. The list is long. People who show their attitude, ignore others when someone is asking something to them (politely), pretend that they have not heard, show silent anger, reply rudely are the ones whom I truly find disgusting. I just don't understand why such people have so much of attitude? On top of that, there are some people who don't understand things rightly and in turn show their anger.

 Moreover, these people only expect others to be decent and polite to them in turn. This leads to destruction of their impression on others. By doing things like these, they will be the ones to suffer at the end of the day. We have all learned about the magical words. Sorry, Thank you, Please, Pardon me etc. They are not-at-all new to us. They are called magical words. But because of such idiotic people, these magical words are no more magical. The reason behind this is that when those rude people ignore the people using the magical words, they don't feel like trying again and again. And how can we expect these people to use those words.  The furious people are no one's favorites. We hate being around the people with lots of wrath and fury. The people having lots of attitude and annoying behavior create an uncomfortable situation.

We cannot talk openly with those people. According to research the people with attitude are also said to be stubborn but they don't admit it and claim other people to be stubborn.  Such people are not grateful towards other's help and good deeds. They become angry in every small thing. They don't care about other person's feeling and behave rudely unnecessarily. Some people are also present who are perfect in front of other people and behave improperly with their closed ones. This makes other people think that the fault is of innocent one just due to initial over reacting anger of other person

 The attitude of the person determines his/her family background. But there are also the cases in which the family culture and every members are perfect but one or two have immediate and huge wrath. These people are the dark stain in society and the one who also puts the question mark in the familial culture. Also, the attitude of the person tends to destroy the marital life because the person with tons of attitude have very low understanding capability which creates cold relation among both the partners and also among the  family members.

The attitudinal problem creates lots of social instability. This problem must be soughed out as soon as possible. The person with attitude are kind of impossible to change unless they  change themselves by bringing positive thought into their wrath full of mind. They must take initiative by themselves to be everyone's favorites and leave all those attitudes and rudeness. I know that changing something takes time especially attitude but starting to change really doesn't require time at all. So, today better then tomorrow and right now better than today is the best thing which can be applied in this context.