'We are in touch with students at AIBT for help'

By No Author
Published: March 05, 2019 06:06 AM

KATHMANDU, March 4: In the wake of the problems faced by Nepali students in Australia, the director of Expert Education and Visa Services (EEVS), Khem Sangraula, has said that his consultancy is constantly in touch with the students it sent to Australia for studies.

Hundreds of Nepali students are in trouble in Australia after the Australian Skill Quality Authority (ASQA) cancelled the registration of the Australian Institute of Business Technology (AIBT) for its failure to maintain the standard as determined by the ASQA.

“So far, a total of 15 students from EEVS were admitted in various programs run by the AIBT including eight in the Diploma of Nursing and Advance Diploma of Nursing programs,” said Sangraula. “We are in regular touch with all of these students and we have been providing proper counseling and arrangements there.”

He said that his consultancy is ready to cooperate in any investigation from the authorized body.