KATHMANDU, Nov 28: Concerned over the recent developments with regard to the transitional justice process, a section of human rights activists and conflict victims on Tuesday submitted a position paper to UN’s Nepal Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand seeking ‘adequate initiative from the UN agencies on the matter.
In the position paper that was prepared based on previous statements issued by conflict victims and appeal jointly issued by human rights activists and conflict victims, they have requested the UN to take adequate initiative to ensure an end to impunity. They have demanded that the rights of the victims to truth and reparations be ensured.
The group of conflict victims led by Sabitri Shrestha, Gopal Bahadur Shah and Phanindra Luitel spent almost two hours with Julliand. At the meeting, they said the agenda of justice has already been hijacked after some human rights activists and conflict victims lobbying for a political mechanism to settle long-delayed transitional justice.
Responding to the concerns raised by the conflict victims and rights activists Julliand suggested to the conflict victims not to be divided over the issue.
Rights activists led by Sushil Pyakurel and conflict victims united under the banner of Common Platform of Conflict Victims have introduced a charter to establish the mechanism comprising politicians, conflict victims and experts instead of existing transitional mechanisms.
Second-rung of leaders from major political parties and some human rights activists are now brainstorming approaches to settle the transitional justice cases. Supporters of the political mechanism believe it will build trust among stakeholders and long delayed justice will be ensured in time.
Victims and representatives from Nepal Army and Nepal Police were also supposed to attend the Bangkok meeting. But they decided to skip the meeting in the eleventh hour.
Dissatisfied group, however, is opposing the idea saying the ‘perpetrator-driven’ mechanism will ultimately deny justice to victims.