Uttam, the Thesis-Binder

By Shahin Sunuwar Rasaili
Published: January 09, 2019 07:41 PM

Have you lately had your thesis bound? Uttam KC is into binding thesis. He binds thesis works for many students studying at different Universities in Nepal.

"I lost my parents at an early age. So, I started working at the age of 10. I used to work at different printing press. I even tried going abroad to work. Because of my skin problem, I could not go. I worked hard all day and night. Today, I own a three storied house in Bhajangal, Kirtipur. Now, I work on my own shop, where I bind student’s thesis works," said Uttam, 40. He is a father of a son and a daughter. Going back home every night and spending time with family is his priority. His motto in life is to ‘work genuinely’.