Tourism activities reviving in Sauraha

Published: December 17, 2020 12:09 PM

BHARATPUR, Dec 17: Tourism industry of Sauraha which was battered by the Covid-19 pandemic almost for a year has gradually started reviving. 

This time around the rise in the flow of domestic tourists has spurred tourism activities in Sauraha. Tourism entrepreneurs have attempted to bring positive vibes in the industry by offering discounts at hotels and restaurants and on elephant rides. 

Mobility of internal tourists is growing in Sauraha especially on Fridays and Saturdays. Entrepreneurs said the recent influx of internal tourists following the Tihar festival has given them some respite and encouragement. 

Chairperson of Regional Hotel Association Sauraha, Deepak Bhattarai, said the rise in the inflow of tourists has started changing the landscape of tourism in Sauraha. “Sauraha has started catching up its rhythm due to gradual rise in the flow of internal tourists. This has helped us cover regular expenses.”