KATHMANDU, Oct 8: Over 7 million people die every year due to tobacco consumption. According to data posted by World Health Organization on its official Twitter over 12 percent of deaths of all people aged over 30 are due to tobacco which comes around 7 million people every year globally.
Posting the data, WHO has stated that global annual costs from tobacco use are USD 1.4 trillion in healthcare expenditure and lost productivity from illness and premature death.
According to WHO, air pollution is an invisible killer that causes 1.7 million deaths from long disease and cancer every year.
Tobacco is more harmful than the air pollution and it affects our heart directly with its nicotine.
Nicotine narrows the arteries in the heart and throughout the body. “Over time, this can cause serious harm to the cardiovascular system and lead to heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure,” Dr. Lorraine Day warns.