Amidst the busy hustles of life and minor insecurities that we live with for not having the most recent stuffs, and not witnessing the finest of all, we still exist. We are far beyond the happiness that the inner core of us thrive for but what we fulfill is the demand that the society, or so called "trending" has set up for us. But to be happy is Important.
We do want to dwell into the nature, we do appreciate the beauty shaded by the early sunrise and evening dawn. But what has taken over us is our prime goals; the prime goals of updating the world of what we've witnessed, goals of capturing them and showcasing to the world. Does this make us happy? Because to be happy is important.
Life today is busy. The world is running. People are chasing. You will have to pace up or else you'll land up nowhere. That’s the motto. But have we ever stepped back and thought; what is all this for? Is everything that we are dying to achieve really the source of happiness we crave? Are we being happy with the so called happy stuffs that people around us have created? Does carrying a latest gadget give you the satisfaction that you are longing to? Or does a fancy dinner date with your love make you content? If yes go for it , work hard ,do everything that’s going to get you what you want.. But does it end there? Hold back and think.
What we achieve and desire to achieve in life is a core value rooted deep inside us through the experiences and life events that we've come across. To understand this is important. Glitters above can just be distraction to our prime objectives. We live a short life and we have much to witness. But in the long run of trying to see and experience everything we miss out on little things.
To be happy is important.
Nobody has the blueprint of your happiness. It is you and only you who decides your own vibes and makes your soul dance. It is you who surmise your happiness and it requires nobody else's approval. Hence being happy and being happy with and around all you have is the greatest joy one can ever surpass. So be happy, because to be happy is important.