Tips to increase height naturally

By Republica
Published: January 15, 2020 07:50 AM

1. Yoga

Yoga is a great and comparatively less strenuous way to increase your height naturally. Try yoga poses such as the Triangle pose (Trikonasana), Cobra pose (Bhujangaasana), Mountain pose (Tadasana), Pleasant pose (Sukhasana), and the Tree pose (Vriksasana). You can also add Surya Namaskar to your fitness regimetoo.

2. Indulge in regular exercise and sports

One of the best ways to increase height naturally is by being physically fit and active. When you are physically active, your body demands more healthy nutrients and consequently, an increase in nutrient intake results in growth. Indulging in sports like swimming, aerobics, tennis, cricket, football, basketball or a number of other stretching activities are a good way to keep our body growing.

3. Have a balanced diet

A balanced diet is absolutely essential to get proper nutrition. Stay away from junk food at any cost. Avoid saturated fats, carbonated drinks, and excessive sugar-loaded foods, as these can cause a negative impact on your overall growth pattern. Ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to have a healthy growth.

4. Get proper sleep

It’s a well-known fact that our body grows and regenerates tissues while we rest. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely essential for a growing body. It’s believed that the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in our bodies during sound, deep, and slow wave sleep.