Happiness is an elusive concept as it comes in different ways to different people. Finding happiness is often lost in the search for an answer to the question, “Why are happy people happy?” Here are some tips for how to find true and lasting happiness in daily life.
Let go of negativity
- Learn to forgive and forget.
- See every challenge as an opportunity for further growth.
- Express gratitude for what you have.
- Be more optimistic about the future and your ability to accomplish life goals.
- Open yourself up to success and embrace failures or mistakes that happen along the way.
- Know that none of us are perfect, we are all here to entertain and be entertained.
- Don’t worry about the little things. Take plenty of “worry vacations” where you train your mind not to worry for a certain length of time.
- If you want to be more positive, surround yourself with positive energy and people. Nurture the positive relationships that you have, seeking out more of those relationships that help uplift you.
Serve and be kind to others
- Treat everyone with kindness. Not only does it help others to feel better, but you will notice that you too feel good after having a positive interaction with others.
- Speak well of others. When you speak negatively of others you will attract more negativity to yourself, but when you speak positively of others, you will attract more positivity.
- Truly listen to others. Be present and mindful to what others are really saying when they speak. Support them without bringing yourself into it.
- Be careful with your words. Speak gentler, kinder, and wiser.
- Respect others and their free will.
- Put your trust in others and be trusted in return. Enjoy the sense of community and friendship that comes from this openness and faith in one another.
- Work as part of a whole. See others as partners in your efforts. Unite your efforts with them to create a synergy more powerful than anything you could do alone.
Live in the present
- Don’t replay negative events or worry about the future.
- Accept and celebrate impermanence. Be grateful for your life, for each moment of every day. Observe the constant and natural flow of change that surrounds us, and your small yet important part in the natural, divine flow of life.
- Observe yourself in the moment. Work on your reactions to outer circumstances and learn how to approach life harmoniously.
Choose a healthy lifestyle
- Keep a daily routine. Wake up at the same time every morning, preferably early. Setting yourself to a natural biorhythm will make it easier to wake up and feel energized.
- Get enough sleep. Proper sleep is linked to positive personality characteristics like optimism, improved self-esteem, and even problem-solving.
- Expose yourself to cold temperatures (especially first thing in the morning with perhaps a cold shower). It increases your circulation, helps minimize inflammation in the body, enhances weight loss, and energizes and invigorates you to start your day.
- Turn off the TV. For every hour of TV, you watch, you reduce 22 minutes of your life expectancy.
- Eat properly. What you eat has a direct effect on your mood and energy levels. Eat plenty of organic, locally grown fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products that are both vitamin and mineral-infused. Don’t overeat and try to practice healthy self-control.
Take care of your spirit.
- Strive to always learn new things. Constantly expand your awareness and discover new ways of expressing your divine gifts.
- Get creative. This will not only challenge you to learn new things but will also help to keep your mind in a positive place. Practice living in the present moment and being a channel for the divine flow of creativity.
- Be honest. Telling the truth keeps you free inside, builds trust in relationships, and improves your will power and the ability to attract success.
- Surrender to the Universe Divine and allow it to take care of the littlest things in life to the greatest and most important.