When lights are turned off
The darkness surrounds
I go to bed
And cuddle into the blanket
The tiredness surrounds
And eyes slowly close
And soon dreams welcomes into her amuses.
The scene was serene
The environment was marine
The closeness was clean
The clock was fourteen
The talk was calming
And we enjoyed raining
Seeing from the cuddled warmth of esteem.
When the clock was 5:00 in the morning
The dream smiled and went in
The hand rose above
Mouth sighed
Fingers caressed eyes
The snuggled bedding agonize
I chuck out and apologize
The chirping birds fly over the sky
Making me wonder what shall I fry
I clean my face and rub my back
I splash the water and listen to the music track.
I come with ideas
And wear my dress
Eat some breakfast
And come out from the door
And talk with self.
I go to work
Life in a tick tock
Do my job
Oh oh oh-oh
There I see above - seventeen
Arrange my stuff and move from there in
I come inside
Put off my dress
Wear pajamas
And splash my face
Pour some snacks
And stomach acts
Oh oh oh-oh twenty facts
I make a meal
And eat a deal
Lay on the bed
Listen to the music
And dive into the ocean
Come out chill
When lights are turned off
The darkness surrounds
I go to bed
And cuddle into the blanket
The tiredness surrounds
And eyes slowly close
And soon dreams welcomes into her amuses.
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