A survey report on ‘Changing State and Prevalence of Child Labour in Carpet and Garment Industries in Nepal: Findings from a Nation-wide Survey” was launched on Friday at Yellow Pagoda Hotel, Jamal. The launch program was organized jointly by Child Development Society (CDS) and World Vision.
In the program, Executive Director of CDS Krishna Subedi welcomed the dignitaries and he talked about how the survey was convened where he highlighted how in 90’s Nepal’s carpet and garment export crumbled due to these industries listed as industries that uses child labor.
Moreover, he shared, “The survey was conducted in 20 districts and in 557 industries listed in 2018’s National Economic Survey with support from Statics Department Tribhuvan University along with Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security; and Central Bureau of Statistics.”
Likewise, Statistics Officer Anaraj Tiwari gave his presentation on the survey methods and data collection.
President of CDS Subas Gautam shared, “The research work provides the latest data with respect to children involved in the weaving sector in Nepal. Report findings will be valuable to relevant stakeholders, planners, academicians, and development practitioners to guide policy and programmatic responses on child labor.”