Sunburns are fairly common during the warmer season when our arms and legs are generally exposed. While minor cases of sunburn will not be that hard to tackle, there will be times, every now and then, when you get such severe sunburn that your skin is left red, damaged, and hurting. And in the worst-case scenario, your skin literally starts peeling off and bleeding. Sometimes, putting on a sunblock might not be enough especially when the sunrays are as harsh as they are at the moment. You have to take some precautions and stay sun safe.
Here are some tips you can use to avoid getting sunburned and treat it, in case you do suffer from it. The best part is that you do not need help from any professionals for these and can carry them out by yourself using things available in your own household.
Cool down
The first thing you have to do is get out of the sun. Avoidance is half the problem solved here. If you can, then get indoors, otherwise, at least find an area that is shadowy and does not have direct sunlight passing through it. Staying in direct sunlight will worsen your condition. Then wash the burned area with cold water. Taking a cold shower is the best thing you can do but you may not have access to that when you are out for the day. So, get a bottle of cold water and just pour it over the sun exposed and burned area. This is guaranteed to give you immediate relief, as it will significantly cool down the burn. Wet wipes or baby wipes will also work to cool down the affected area.
Ice and yogurt
The best home remedy to treat sunburn is to wrap a few cubes of ice in a towel and apply it over the affected area for quick relief. Place it on the affected area for about five minutes before removing it. Do it every 30 minutes or so and the burning sensation on your skin will fade out faster. Cold yogurt will also help sunburned skin. The probiotics present in plain yogurt will rebuild the skin’s protective outer barrier faster and that speeds up the overall recovery process. Spread a thin layer of yogurt over the affected skin, let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off. This simple remedy is very effective to treat sunburns.
Applying thinly sliced cucumber pieces over sunburned skin is also very effective for both quick relief and faster skin recovery. Just cut up a few cucumber slices and put them over the affected are for about five minutes. This will soothe the immediate burning sensation of sunburn. And then to treat sun burned skin back to its original state, apply cucumber juice over the area for about five minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Cucumber helps to decrease swelling and inflammation of skin because it blocks out the pro-inflammatory enzymes.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a very beneficial herb that treats almost all skin problems and it’s especially good for curing sunburn too. Just cut up one of its succulent leaves and apply the gel all over your burned skin. Not only will you get instant relief from sunburn but if you apply Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will heal your skin in no time too. You can also use the Aloe Vera gels sold at stores if you cannot get your hands on a real plant. Just know that these gels sold at most stores around town will have some chemicals in it. However, you can also find Ayurvedic or organic lotions that claim to be pure aloe.
Tea bags
Take two fresh tea bags and place them in a cup of cold water. After soaking the tea bags for about two minutes, take them out and immediately apply them over affected the skin. Leave them on your skin for a few minutes before throwing them out. You can also use the water in the cup. Pour it over the affected area and just let it be. There is not need to wash it off. The natural antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties of tea fight the harsh effects of the UV rays that cause sunburn.
Stay hydrated and moisturize
A common effect of sunburn is that it will strip your skin of its moisture. So it’s very important to stay hydrated during summer to avoid and treat sunburn. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated from the inside. Not only will this help your skin but it will also do wonders for your overall health. Also moisturize your skin with a light formula before you head out the door. If you are treating sun burned skin, applying a gentle milk moisturizer will also help. This forms a protective layer over your skin that helps its healing process. Also, moisturizing will eliminate problems like skin irritation and peeling that are some common side effects of sunburn.