RASUWA (DHUNCHE), Aug 15: The number of snakebite cases has surged in the mountainous district's Rasuwa hospital.
District Health Chief, Dr Bibek Kumar Lal, said dozens of patients receiving treatment for snakebite were recorded in the last two months alone. The District Hospital – faced with a shortage of vaccines – was forced to refer two snakebite cases to Kathmandu.
The snake population has seen an abrupt eruption following the last year's massive earthquake in the district. People are bitten when working in the field, foraging for grass fodder and while taking a stroll along the bushes.
Dr Lal has urged the villagers to wear gumboots and take along a stick when heading out into the grassy pastures and wading through the undergrowth. He has also appealed to the locals not to tie the hands or legs around the bitten area and use sharp weapons to cut open the wound to let blood stream out in order to get rid of the venom. RSS