Smugglers kill two rhinos in CNP

Smugglers kill two rhinos in CNP
By Republica
Published: January 21, 2023 09:39 AM

CHITWAN, Jan 21: A group of smugglers has killed two rhinos on the banks of the Narayani River that flows through the Chitwan National Park (CNP).

Two rhinos were found dead on the banks of the Narayani River in Madhyabindu Municipality Ward No. 2 of East Nawalparasi on Friday.

According to Ganesh Tiwari, information officer of the park, an adult female rhino around 14 years old and a four-year-old boy of the same rhinoceros were killed by the smugglers. After seeing the dead rhinoceros, the locals informed the park and the Nepal Army.

As the horn of the female rhinoceros was found in a severed condition, the park said that this rhinoceros may have been killed by a group of smugglers. The rhinos were electrocuted by the smugglers according to the preliminary investigation. CNP Information Officer Tiwari said that an investigation is underway into the death of the rhinos.

In the current fiscal year 2022/23, 10 one-horned rhinoceros have died in CNP. According to Spokesperson Tiwari, out of 10 rhinos that died in the first six months of the current year, seven died of natural causes, one due to electrocution and two were killed by smugglers.