Simple workouts, powerful results

By The Week Bureau
Published: June 08, 2018 08:52 AM

Four simple exercises that can be help you lose weight
First things first, no you can’t lose weight overnight. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t simple, quick, and easy things you can do that, over time, will give you the results you want. The reason why most of us never see the scale tip is because we are inconsistent with our workouts. Sometimes there’s a lunch meeting in the morning that requires us to compromise on our gym time or we are just too tired at the end of the day to do fit in an hour-long aerobics class. But, with these exercise that The Week is sharing with you today, you needn’t worry about all that. You can do these exercises anywhere, anytime and the best thing is that you don’t even have to invest much for it. With exercise, sometimes the simplest of movements result in the greatest gains to your fitness, and this is certainly the case with these workouts. 

Hula hooping 
Apparently, Michelle Obama once said that the reason behind her fit figure was because she hula hooped with her kids. And, in fact, hula hooping really can help you slim down. According to a 2010 study conducted at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, hula-hooping burns about seven calories per minute and that’s as much as you would burn by brisk walking and actually more than you would torch per minute in a power yoga, step aerobics, or a Pilates class. 

While hula hooping primarily strengthens your core, depending on what you do with the hoop you can work the rest of your body too. Though strength training still trumps hula hooping for sculpting lean muscle, it’s a pretty effective aerobic workout. A heavier hoop makes hula hooping easier because it generates momentum. So, if you are just starting out, buy a sturdy one that’s a little heavy rather than a lightweight one. And, in terms of size, the bigger the hoop, the easier it is to use because it gives you more time to react to the forward and backward hooping movements.

Plank is a simple bodyweight move that is a really effective, not to mention, one of the best, ways to make your abs look great. For women, it’s also a great exercise for strengthening your deep inner core, your abdominals and the pelvic floor.

To do a plank, start on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the floor with elbows positioned under your shoulders and your hands shoulder-width apart. Your arms should form a 90-degree angle. Step your feet back, one at a time. Maintain a straight line from heels through the top of your head, looking down at the floor, with gaze slightly in front of your face. And then simply tighten your abs and hold. Start with a minute and slowly increase the time as you gain strength. 

The most common mistake people make when it comes to the plank is looking forward or even up. This puts a lot of strain on your neck and eventually kills your entire form. Look at the floor in front of you. Imagine you are holding a tennis ball between your chin and neck. That will keep your spine neutral and help you avoid pain or injury. Also, don’t let your hip sag.

Jump rope 
If you haven’t picked up a jump rope since the fifth grade, then it’s time to skip down the memory lane. Jumping rope burns more than 10 calories a minute while strengthening your legs, butt, shoulders, and arms. You can burn more than 200 calories in two 10-minute sessions each day. But many of us do this exercise wrong and that can lead to multiple injuries.

First to find a rope that fits, place one foot in the center of the rope and lift the handles, they shouldn’t go past your armpits. You should ideally just jump one to two inches off the ground, giving the rope just enough space to slip under your feet. And only the balls of your feet should touch the floor when you land. Also, keep elbows close to your side as you turn the rope. The movement should come from the wrists and forearms, not the shoulders. Also, jumping rope is a great way to fit in an effective cardio session when you are on the go. Just toss your jump rope in your carry-on and you won’t have to worry about missing out on your workout when you are traveling. 

Surya namaskar 
Surya namaskar is also known as “sun salutation” and it is one of the famous forms of “Hatha Yoga”.  Apart from its spiritual importance, surya namaskar is practiced as a full body workout. Surya namaskar not only stretches your body but also works on your cardiovascular system along with improving the blood circulation. Doing the 12 sets of surya namaskar is equal to doing 288 yoga poses. 

The obvious advantage of surya namaskar is the workout it provides for the muscles, but it also benefits joints, ligaments, and the skeletal system by improving posture and balance. Surya namaskar, if done at a fast pace, is a good workout for your cardiovascular system, and when done slowly, it relaxes the muscles and is a form of mediation. However, speed is not as important as using the correct technique while performing surya namaskar. The asanas, done in surya namaskar, tone your core muscles, arms and also increase your heart rate. However, surya namaskar is best done on an empty stomach.