Shruti Haasan: There was a time I went crazy with lip fillers

By Agencies
Published: February 29, 2020 01:35 PM


Shruti Haasan blames film industry for instilling self-doubt in actors; says nose job was to rectify deviated septum.
In the carefully-curated digital world of celebrities, Shruti Haasan broke convention by sharing two posts in one day. It was a regular Thursday for the actress, when she shared a freshfaced image of herself with a rather innocuous caption: “Whoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”

While one section of her followers discussed the veracity of the statement, others remarked that Shruti looked thinner than usual, urging her to “have some food.” Soon after, the actress returned to Instagram with a collage of two pictures which, she says, were taken three days apart. She began the lengthy post by saying, “I’m not one driven by other people’s opinions of me but the constant commenting and ‘she’s too fat now she’s too thin’ is so avoidable.”
In the post, she attributed the weight loss to hormonal imbalance and the mental and physical struggles that come with it, urging people to be less judgemental of other’s choices. She also admitted to having had plastic surgery done, adding, “I’m not ashamed to admit. Do I promote it? No. Am I against it? No—it’s just how I choose to live.”

When asked about hitting back at trolls, Shruti says that it wasn’t driven by vanity but by the rising number of body-shaming incidents around her. “I suffer from PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and I would love for other women and girls to know that someone is talking about this,” she asserts.

Shruti goes on to reiterate that it wasn’t an isolated incident. “I was at an event a few days ago, where people kept asking me why I looked different. I was like, ‘As a woman I live with hormonal changes; it isn’t rocket science’. And for some of us, it (effects of the imbalance) manifests more (physically). Of course, Instagram is a public platform, but it is also my platform,” she says, adding, “There are a lot of actors who will never admit they have stuff done to their faces, but I am not one of them. I don’t want young girls to think that I woke up looking like this (referring to the popular Instagram hashtag #WokeUpLikeThis). Being a child of famous people, I grew up in the public eye. Denying things like this seems silly to me,” she reasons, saying that the idea is to be authentic, not to become a role model.

By her own admission, it took the actress some time to come to terms with her own body. “During Luck (Hindi debut), I was working out like a maniac and eating very little. It made me miserable. Later, I realised that I wanted to be a healthy, happy person who eats well and works out. This (referring to latest Instagram picture) is the size I am now. And it fluctuates from time to time because of hormones,” she asserts.

On plastic surgery, Shruti reveals that she had a nose job done to rectify a deviated septum and used to get fillers. “I had a normal nose but by the time I grew up, it was crooked after two injuries. I never liked the way it looked, and breathing didn’t feel good. It wasn’t like someone had commented on it; I just felt like I had broken something, and it needed fixing. A lot of people don’t admit to getting lip and cheek fillers, but I am happy to say I did. I didn’t like how thin my lips were. There was a time when I went crazy with lip fillers. It took me a couple of years of experimenting, but now I have come back a lot closer to my natural look,” she shares.

Shruti blames the film industry for instilling self-doubt in actors and regrets falling prey to it. “The first time I got lip fillers, I knew everyone who was doing it, but they would say it was lip balm or liprubbing lotion. Even I didn’t talk about it for a long time, but when I took a break (from work), I reassessed my body and decided to go back. I had got the fillers because directors and other important people told me my face wasn’t Indian enough. Now, I regret listening to them,” the actress says.

Shruti goes on to reiterate that she doesn’t promote plastic surgery. “I don’t think I should tell someone that fillers will make you feel better. I didn’t feel good all the times I got them. By talking about this, I am just sharing my journey, not promoting facial enhancements,” she says, moving on to health problems. “I have PCOS and dysmenorrhea, and it makes every menstrual cycle really painful for me. We can’t talk about it, because of the stigma attached to it and lack of awareness. There are many women like me, grappling with mood swings, weight gain, excess hair, hair loss, pimples and a lot more, that come with the territory. Every month is a battle,” she informs.