Seven ways to go green at work

Photo Courtesy: TheMuse
By Republica
Published: April 24, 2017 11:20 PM

Everybody wants to help conserve environment. Yet, if someone asked how you’re participating in this on a daily basis, you’d probably give that person a blank stare. And if not that, you’d tell the person that you just can’t give up certain luxuries.
These few ways can help you conserve environment even while at work.

You may already do this, and that’s awesome! But the majority of us are pretty lazy when it comes down to actually doing it—but it’s silly to avoid doing something that saves us energy, space, and water, and conserves resources.

So, get educated on what you can and can’t recycle and the best way to dispose of your trash—then, actually do it.

And, if your office doesn’t provide recycling containers, shoot your office manager or boss an email asking if there’s a way to get some. By doing your part (and your part might just be sending one measly email), you’re making the earth a better place.

This alone can have a huge effect (to your health, too).

If the weather’s nice and you’re in walking distance (and it’s safe), trade out your car for your own feet. If that’s in no way an option, team up with co-workers who live nearby and carpool. It doesn’t have to be every day, but once or twice a week could make all the difference!

Invest in tupperware
Fun fact: As of 2014, 50% of business waste is some form of paper.

Another fun fact: The term “brown-bagging” doesn’t actually have to include a brown bag. And, if you want to be environmentally friendly, invest in reusable containers—or, at least a cool lunchbox.

If you’re a big fan of jotting down notes in meetings, don’t be afraid to reuse sheets of paper—seriously, just flip the paper over or rip off blank sheets from half-used notebooks. Your notes won’t be any less readable.

Go paperless
Nowadays, you really don’t need to print much. So, if your office tends to use a lot of paper for unnecessary means (like printing out PowerPoint presentations for everyone in a room), suggest switching to paperless meetings; or at least printing double-sided to waste less—because, as you’d guess, it saves 50% of paper costs.

Say no to plastic utensils 
Every time you just “grab something quick for lunch,” turn down the restaurant’s offer of plastic utensils and instead keep your own cutlery from home at your desk.

Why, you ask? A very small percentage of plastic supplies can actually be recycled, so you’re basically creating more waste every time you use plastic utensils.

Going for a coffee date? Bring your own mug and ask the server to fill it instead of using a paper cup. 

Share helpful reminders
Whether it’s pasting a note by the light switch to remind people to turn them off, or emailing out instructions on how to print double-sided, educate your office and make it easy for them to make smart choices.

Don’t have the authority to do so? Talk with your manager about ways you can create these initiatives. 

Power down
You may not have known this, but our devices consume tons of energy, even when you were not using.

So, unplug your charger when you don’t need it, and put your computer on sleep or off mode when you’re not at your desk. Super small adjustments—such as lowering your screen brightness, reducing the amount of tabs you have open, or even downsizing how many applications you use—can also save them.

Seriously, adding a plant on your desk not only makes it more appealing to work at, but it also absorbs pollutants and emits oxygen (and makes you more productive).

Be mindful of your own habits
Finally, be mindful of what your actions do to the environment. Whether it’s how much paper, plastic, or water you use or how many office pens you go through, you have the ability to help the planet simply by reducing your own intake or switching out bad habits for better ones (Hint: look above for ideas).
