Security situation worsens in Mahotari over last two months

By Mahesh Kumar Das
Published: June 19, 2017 10:31 AM

MAHOTARI, June 19: Security experts have pointed out that security situation in Mahotari district has worsened over the last two months.

Such incidents as murder and rape have occurred more frequently than before over the last two months.

Given the fact that murder and gang-rape took place within a week, it is natural to call into question security situation in Mahotari district, said Ajaya Shah who is INSEC representative in Mahotari district.

Local Najam Nadaf was murdered on Saturday night. Likewise, 21 years old girl, local of Fulbariya of Aurahi-2 was gang-raped on June 11.

The police have not been able to arrest the perpetrators yet.

“The investigation into the incidents that occurred over the last two months has proved to be ineffective”, said Shah.