BHAKTAPUR, Nov 20: Regular activities at the Sano Thimi Campus, Bhaktapur has come to a halt due to the lockout for indefinite period by the All Nepal National Independent Student Union-Revolutionary (ANNISU-R).
The ANNISU-R padlocked the offices in the campus since the past week by putting forth 10-point demand. [break]
The Union has accused the Campus Chief, Jagat Krishna Pokhrel of halting scholarship distribution to students and indulging in irregularities among others.
Vice-chairman of ANNISU-R Bhaktapur district committee and in-charge of the campus, Subas Dhakal said the students padlocked the office of the campus chief and administration after the campus chief ignored their demands.
The students have also accused the campus chief of depositing campus´ Rs. 20 million in a fixed bank account and taking benefit from the amount and also appointing teachers on a contract basis by accepting bribe.
However, Campus Chief Pokhrel claimed that all charges against him were baseless and most of the demands of the students have already been addressed.