Rose Day: Ghatasthapana of Valentine

By Kiran Lama
Published: February 07, 2019 11:20 AM

Love is in the air as the calendar turns into February. And rose—a symbol of love is medium to express your love. In Greeks and Romans mythology, a rose is connected with Aphrodite and Venus—goddesses of love. That is why Valentine’s week is kicks-off with Rose Day. While exchanging a rose with your love’s one, you also share your feelings and emotions. It not only might be your girlfriend/boyfriend, but you can also gifted to your friend, parents or anyone who are close to you.

However, each color of rose has its different meaning. My City’s team has listed five different colored roses that symbolize distinct meanings:

Red Rose

Generally, red rose stands for romance which is also medium to proposing your special one.
Photo Courtesy: Pixabay


White Rose

White rose signifies the purity and innocence which is given during wedding ceremony.

Yellow Rose  

Since yellow rose represent the positivity and happiness, it is gifted to start a new friendship.


Orange Rose  

Orange Rose is all about the desire and excitement which reinforce the bonding between couple.


Green Rose

Green rose symbolizes freshness which rekindles youthfulness amidst couple.