
By Blythe Malfoy
Published: July 20, 2019 08:45 AM

Photo Courtesy: Innovate My School

Today felt guilt when I reminisced your cry

Wanted to console you that day but was too coward to try

Assumed you wanted to be on your own

So never asked you if something happened and why?


Never knew you wanted to part our way

And avoid me for life

But today I miss your smile don’t know why?

It was wrong that I sometimes took you for granted

But I swear that it was never what I wanted

I tried to fabricate my world with lies


To console myself that even you had made me cry

But I seem to lose the bet I made to myself

That I would forget you for good

But after I recalled that we used to make each other smile


I realized it after a while

That life is a bed of roses

Whoever you are the thrones in your fate never freezes

Though you are away and

 Would surely never want to be next to me and console me on the way

Hope that you will always be pleased and okay 


Deep inside is our love, despite all our grudges and fight

That someday we will forgive each other and be in each other's sight

Never give up and be all right despite our childish behavior and fight

I feel high on our memories so wish you good life.