Rabi Lamichhane's legal team to present defendant’s arguments in Kaski District Court today

Published: January 06, 2025 12:20 PM

KATHMANDU, Jan 6: The closed-session arguments of the defendants in the savings embezzlement case involving Pokhara's Suryadarshan Cooperative are ongoing at the Kaski District Court.

Today, the legal team representing Rabi Lamichhane will present their arguments in the closed session, which began last Tuesday.

A total of 18 legal practitioners will argue on behalf of Lamichhane. According to the documents submitted to the court, the defense team includes advocates Rohitraj Bastola, Sunita Rawat, Suraj Basnet, Ramesh Giri, Renukadevi Sitaula, Dr Narayan Ghimire, Sushil Pant, Krishna Prasad Parajuli, Yagyanidhi Neupane, Dr Narayan Dutt Kandel, Bhimraj Pokharel, Dilliram Adhikari, Kamal Prasad Pokharel, Govinda Prasad Adhikari, Lekhnath Sapkota, Giriraj Ojha, Sanjay Gole, and Shrut Prasad Subedi.

Previously, closed-session arguments were made by the defense teams of former DIG Chhabi Raj Joshi and Leela Pachai in the same case. However, arguments from Krishna Bahadur Gurung, his daughter, former Gandaki MP Meena Gurung, Anita Gurung, and Ram Bahadur Khanal, who were also arrested in connection with the case, are still pending.